Although the hype for squonks has almost died down and most people have found their favorite devices (or realized that they don’t need such devices), Chinese manufacturers continue to produce their devices. Today we will look at one of the examples of “catch-up” – the Surge Squonk Mod bottom feeder, also the first mod from the Chinese Hugsvape.

Before this box mod, the young company Hugsvape only produced a variety of atomizers, among which there are both interesting and quite viable devices, and a little wild, but no less curious. For the manufacturer, this is the first battery mod, and the guys decided to immediately start with an adjustable squonk, releasing it both separately and in a set with their own new Piper RDA dripper. electronic cigarette online Interestingly, even at the time of this review, the dripper was present on the manufacturer’s official resource, but the mod can only be seen in the photo next to the atomizer, there is not a word about the box on the site. There are no links to the firmware, although the instructions say Firmware Upgrade: Yes. Let’s see what Hugsvape has done, and what the device can boast of in general.

Hugsvape Surge Squonk Mod 80W Packaging

Surge Squonk arrives to the lucky buyer in a thick medium-sized black cardboard box with a schematic image of the mod itself and a print in the form of waves (Surge – English wave). On the right side of the package there are a couple of stickers with an originality check (Security Verification at the very bottom on the manufacturer’s website) and an indication of the color of the device (I got Silver), on the back there is only a delivery set and company details, the manufacturer hid all the characteristics in a small instruction.

Surge Squonk Mod Package

Surge Squonk Mod Box Mod

18650 Adapter

Micro USB Cable

User Manual

The package turned out to be minimalistic, no spare bottles, no replaceable panels, only a short charging cable and an adapter for 18650 batteries hidden in the battery compartment. The instruction manual with illustrations is only in English, and also contains a description of the Piper RDA atomizer, which is not in our package. If you buy the HugsVape Surge Squonk 80W Kit with Piper RDA, the package will be much richer, but, naturally, it will mainly relate to the dripper.

Surge Squonk Mod Appearance

The device cannot be called particularly original in appearance, here both the Pulse BF and the Athena Squonk immediately come to mind, mostly due to the wide Fire button decorating the front panel and the window for the jar shifted to the front edge. The entire body is made of plastic, it’s hard to say which is “polycarbonate” and which is “fiberglass”. I don’t know about other colors, but the silver side panels immediately repel with the quality of workmanship (noticeable molding bulges here and there), the appearance of a frankly cheap “metal” paint job, and the creaking sound when squeezed in the palms. The body has sharp edges and is made of black rough plastic, which immediately wears off from the slightest contact with metal or simply hard objects. In general, there is no talk of any “premium” here.

Hugsvape Surge Squonk Mod in the palm of your hand On the same side panels, the manufacturer for some reason added a pattern in the form of stripes that look completely out of place and do not carry any functionality. On the back side, the recess is located where it is not needed at all – neither the thumb nor the index finger fit here if you hold the box in a fist with a normal grip. It’s a different matter if you take the device in a very specific way, with your fingers extended, but then the lower corner of the sharp body digs into your palm. Perhaps a brick in your hand would be more ergonomic than the Hugsvape delights in this case. In short, moar design! The opening for the bottle is large enough to be pressed with any finger without aiming or tearing off the cap.

The color selection currently consists of five options, none of which can be called particularly attractive, and the silver one actually turned out to be downright dull. In all cases, we are talking only about the color of the side panels. There are images of the box with a silver button on the Internet, most likely these are pre-release copies. In any case, the device looks more interesting on the renders than upon long and close examination in real life.

Surge Squonk Mod Specifications

Dimensions: 79 * 55.5 * 26.5 mm

Weight: 75 g

Materials: polycarbonate, fiberglass, food grade silicone (bottle)

Operating modes: variable wattage, temperature control (Ni, Ti, SS, TCR), bypass, adjustable power graph

Power: 7 – 80 W

Temperature adjustment: 100-315 ° C / 200-600 ° F

Resistance support: 0.05 – 3 Ohm

Current consumption in idle mode: ≦ 20 μA

Maximum voltage: 9 V

Battery used: 18650/20700

Bottle capacity: 6 ml


from low and high resistance

from overheating (85 ° C)

from short circuit

from reverse polarity

from overcharge and overdischarge

cutoff 10 s

Colors: Black, Gray, Gold, Silver, Purple

Impressions and conclusions

Hugsvape Surge Squonk Mod 80W in handThere are a number of specific complaints about the Hugsvape Surge Squonk Mod, ranging from the cheap materials used for the case (and their appearance), to the choice of adapter for 18650. Too many things turned out to be controversial or frankly shoddy for the manufacturer to try to compete with the huge number of squonks already on the market. There are a sufficient number of examples of plastic cases that show excellent performance during long-term use, for example, I have been actively using the Hugo Vapor URUS for more than six months, but scuffs on it are only just beginning to appear, and those are barely noticeable. Here on the black case, bald spots seem to form from a light touch with a fingernail. The painted surfaces on the plastic panels will clearly not last long either, and the creaking and crunching front cover from pressing can deprive even the most balanced vaper of self-control. I fully admit that this is a problem only with my copy, but it is possible that the real reason is the poor finishing (or lack thereof) of the casting. At the same time, the device is not woven from only shortcomings. First of all, I would like to note the pleasant operation of the buttons and the simple, but at the same time quite functional board. I do not know who the real manufacturer of the chip is, but the mod works quickly and without any problems, which is already incredibly pleasing. There is sufficient power and support for resistance from 0.05 Ohm. When the voltage on the battery drops, the output power also decreases (the screen honestly shows how much it gives). The small weight could be considered a plus, if not for the thin walls, although the rigidity of the case seems to be decent, it does not bend in your hands. The connector also showed itself well, but the rounded pin confuses me, I want to hope that the liquid will not leak from it onto the electronics.